Home & School Association
Welcome! Holy Family School's Home and School Association (HSA) is a very active organization devoted to making HFS the best it can be. Active throughout the entire school year, the members - along with parent volunteers - plan and produce exciting, fun events for students and their families.
Holy Family School strives to keep its parents and guardians up-to-date with news about all the fun happenings and events. An important part of this communication is their weekly e-Newsletter, known as eNews. Keep an eye on the H&S website, full of the latest events and opportunities for all our families to attend and of course offer some volunteer time. All school families (K-8) are asked to donate 20 hours of time in a calendar year, known as Volunteer Angel Points (VAPs). A buyout option is available, but the help would be very much appreciated. Plus, our parent volunteers always have fun making new friends while helping to make HFS a wonderful experience for their child(ren). Questions on how VAPs work? Just contact us by email.
If you are the parent or guardian of an HFS student and have not yet received the newsletter, please email our eNews volunteers and asked to be placed on the distribution list.
If you want to learn all about our events and jump into getting those Volunteer Angel Points, then by all means head for the HSA website, and follow us on Facebook!
There are unrecognized heroes among our ordinary neighbors.
Harold W. Bernard