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Enroll Now

Welcome back to Holy Family School! 

We are excited that you have chosen to re-enroll in Holy Family School for your child(ren)'s education. The steps below will allow you to do so easily. For first time enrollment, please visit our Tuition and Registration page.

Please note the re-enrollment packet does not format correctly on a phone or tablet, so please use a computer and follow these steps:

1. Access the Facts Management website.

2. Click on "Family Log In" tab (at top) 

3. Choose "FACTS Family Portal"

4. Enter District Code: HF-PA

5. Enter Username and password

6. Click on Apply/Enroll

7. Click on Enrollment/Re-enrollment

8. Click "open" and begin enrollment

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call Mrs.  Tamara Pammer at 610-759-5642 or email her.