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What HFS offers

Holy Family School offers a safe, nurturing environment with spiritual and academic learning in a family-like atmosphere. The school consists of full  time Pre-K programs for 4-year-olds, a part-time Pre-K program for both 3- and 4-year-olds, a full-day Kindergarten and 1st through 8th Grades, all in one building.

Our curriculum


Holy Family School strives to provide an atmosphere of love, patience and respect by stressing the importance of charity and kindness. Children attend Mass and are taught appropriate prayers in order to enhance their spiritual life. Students lead weekly Masses through liturgical readings and music. The Chapel in the school is available, and all are encouraged to visit whenever possible. Students are prepared for the sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Special school-wide activities include the Blessing of the Animals, Living Rosary, Heavenly Hallway, Living Stations during Lent, and May Crowning. Catholic Schools Week is also celebrated with many fun family activities.  

Reading/Language Arts

Literature-based curriculum integrates reading, writing and grammar. Phonics instructions assist students in becoming proficient readers. Penmanship is taught in Kindergarten through 4th Grade, with cursive writing instruction beginning in the 2nd Grade.


Diocesan guidelines and National and State NCTM standards are used to guide the Math instruction. Algebra I is offered to 8th Grade students who complete Pre-Algebra. Students participate in First in Math programs.

Social Studies

In the primary, intermediate and middle school grades, the subject is taught with units of study, technology and textbooks. This curriculum is enriched with school-wide events.


All grade levels are inspired by hands-on learning incorporating textbooks, lab experiments, in-class activities and projects. Students also participate in the annual HFS Science Fair.