Job openings
Holy Family School has the following job openings available at this time. Thank you for your interest in our school and please check this site often for any additional job opportunities.
Substitute Teachers for Preschool
HFS is currently seeking substitute teachers for its 4-year-old five-day program. Qualified individuals should send a cover letter with your resume, security clearance information, and references to Mr. Derek Peiffer, Principal at the address listed below.
Substitute Teachers (K-8)
HFS is always happy to accept the applications of substitute teachers for all grades (K-8). If interested, simply send a cover letter, resume, security clearance information, and references to:
Mr. Derek Peiffer, Principal
Holy Family School
17 N. Convent Avenue
Nazareth, PA 18064
Phone: 610-759-5642
Fax: 610-759-0386